EU pension fund on brink of collapse: Taxpayers will have to bail out hundreds of MEPs

EU Problem not a UK One, we are leaving. If May starts money for this Money for that in the EU, Tories are finished.

Try telling the old lady who can barely afford heating that May is giving a few billion to bail out Fat cats in the EU = Tories History

This is mismangement in capital letters. No wonder the books are not available for perusal, except of course the probably ‘doctored’ books produced in-house.

AIHamilton – > hdl
One wonders HOW a pension fund could possibly be underfunded after EIGHT CONSECUTIVE YEARS of growth in the stock market.

Chozzer – For the stupid AI that doesn’t know what a Chozzer/Dunnie is!!!!!!!

GW:  That’s Mandelson’s Pension down the chozzer  then – what’s good for the goose – those who had their pensions stolen by Carillon – is also good for the gander – those corrupt EUROCRATS that mis-spent all the tax payer contributions over a period of 40 years.  Sink or Swim now fellas – like the rest of us.  You were given the money and you psissed it away.

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