Davos 2018 – #wef18

An armed security personnel wearing camouflage clothing – doesn’t look that ”camouflaged.”

8:19am: Today’s schedule for Davos has been released

8.30am GMT: Opening press conference by the Davos co-chairs

8.45am GMT: Debate: Are we heading for a new financial crisis?

10.15am GMT: Indian PM Narendra Modi delivers the opening plenary speech

1pm GMT: Actor Cate Blanchett speaks about the global refugee crisis

2pm GMT: Bollywood actor Shah Rukh Khan talks about women’s empowerment in India.

2.30pm GMT: Debate on gender, power and sexual harassment

4pm GMT: Debate on capitalism:

4.30pm GMT: Canadian PM Justin Trudeau to deliver special address

8:17am: Davos under huge avalanche risk

The ski resort is now facing a Level 5 avalance risk – the highest rating

Businessmen slipped over on icy patches as snow plows roamed the streets, with the snow returning as fast as the machines could clear it.

oldbrew says:
January 23, 2018 at 12:36 pm
Bigwigs forced on to buses – culture shock 😎


World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018 Overview
Davos-Klosters, Switzerland 23-26 January

Click to access WEF_AM18_Overview.pdf

UK Column News 23 January 2018 – Davos Pt i – ”Christine La Garde – What A Great Role Model For Women & For Financial Irregularity”

George Greek Trucker
UK Column News 24 January 2018 – Davos Pt ii

George Greek Trucker

#wef: ”Disney Dave” & ”Blubbing Blair” both put in an appearance.

‘Speaking from Davos, Switzerland, the former Labour Prime Minister T Blair said the Brexit negotiations are driving the Government towards a fundamental dilemma.”

”Mr Blair is part of the so-called ABC club – Lord Adonis, Tony Blair, Nick Clegg – of ultra-Remainers campaigning for a second Brexit referendum.” https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/909179/Brexit-news-update-Tony-Blair-referendum-European-Union-Davos-UK-EU

‘…Not Europe.  I’ll say that again for the hard of thinking:
NOT EUROPE, but the European Union (EU) MUST be destroyed!I made it my mission to do my bit, however small and it seems to be working.The EU must be dismantled and TOTALLY destroyed and NEVER allowed to rise again, like Nazism.’

Merkel condemns the rise of right-wing populism as a ‘poison’

RT Participates In Davos Panel & Clashes With BBC

GW: 86% of a survey said they didn’t trust BBC btw.

John McDonnell’s warning for global elites at Davos
”The shadow chancellor says the super-rich risk ‘a political and social avalanche’ if they stand in the way of change.” https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/uk/john-mcdonnells-warning-for-global-elites-at-davos-36526498.html

Juncker MISERY: Brussels chief DROPS chance to flex EU muscles to Davos – and this is why – Flu

RichJones – > Rocket-Science
With the amount of kissing and touching he does most of the EU employees have probably caught it.

in what capacity is Tony Blair attending – can anyone go??????

theonenexttoPete – > Democracy Deb
He’s one of the waiters, serving the sour grapes.

24 January 2018: Before Donald Trump arrives, US officials get busy telling Davos how ‘America First’ can coexist with free trade

Democ-Rat Reporter On Trump’s Arrival @ #wef18

2018 Donald Trump arrives in Davos to Rub Elbows with the Elite Global SCUM

Recca The Ruins Of Mecca

what a trash video you can’t make up your mind at all which side are you on robot –
Not a fan then.

TeasMade looked like she was wearing some kind of US style ”ankle bracelet” under those trousers for her Davos speech – shades of Hitlery, McCain & Huma Abedin no less.  Or is she just expressing sympathy for these erstwhile fratties?

Furthermore TeasMade received few plaudits for her tortuous trip through the ”script” – The Telegraph opined that May’s speech ”said absolutely nothing” & the Business Investor remarked that Investors aren’t happy with Theresa May’s call for them to ‘put pressure’ on tech companies.

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