The Secret History of The Khazarian Mafia

Secret Wars
Published on 19 Mar 2017

Iyad Darwish
Ashkenazi jews are from KHAZARIA, and Genetically they are not Israelites or Semitics, in fact studies found out that the Palestinians are the original biblical Israelites

Ulix A
I am Turk from that purple spot on the map lol.  Am I part of Khazarian Mafia?😂😂

John Hue – > Ulix A
The OTTOMAN EMPIRE got hammered by the Khazarian Mafia, taking out that empire was one of the reasons for WW1 – that and preventing a Turkish German alliance which was a threat to the banking system

Jack Bottomly
Excellent Video ! I wish you had used a real human voice .
I object however to blaming everything on Jacob Rothschild or the Rothschilds in general. Jeff Gates makes an excellent argument that it is a Khazarian Criminal Syndicate of many people, and if Jacob Rothschild opposed them he would very quickly be murdered. Jeff Gates videos are on YouTube. Yes, it is a Rothschild type Banking System, but it has grown far out of their control.

”Now I believe I’ve run across a new book that might join the ranks of the above. Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit Took America to War is written by Jeff Gates, a former counsel to the U.S. Senate. His first task is to explain how America lost control of its foreign policy to pro-Israeli elites and extremists.

Guilt by Association makes treason transparent. The corruption that plagues American politics is traced to an alliance with elites and extremists loyal to the Land of Israel. Unable to rid politics of campaign finance corruption, the U.S. finds its security imperiled by those skilled at deceiving America into waging wars for the Zionist state.”

Jeff Gates’ Guilt by Association

Ruth Anne Schnell
Rothschild is not translated red child but red shield. The person who expressed his concerns about being a genetic Jew can rest assured that “grace” is real. This is such a tragic history and steals our joy. Know that Christ Jesus is real and “grace” is Joyous truth.

AIPAC Inside Britain’s Israel Lobby – Jeff Gates

Abel Danger
Published on 18 Sep 2013

Mantas Tiirsen
“British” International Development Secretary Priti Patel? She is owned as well. She’s another Shabbos Goy, alongside all the rest of them.

Charles Patterson
Every Hominid grouping that ‘has ever been’ harbors a Thesis/Ego and an Antithesis/Ego. It is called a ‘schism.’ If we cannot grasp this dynamic we are fated to its ‘ministrations.’

Robert Perry
I am an American private attorney and former criminal investigator. I post informative comments to assist in search of truth and make the American public aware of the changes in the law that affect them.

American law has not been the same since 9/11; the constitutional protections guaranteed by the bill of rights has been negated by national security legislation. Unfortunately, few people will realize what has happened until the day they die. The reason I know what they have planned is that all provisions have been already enacted into law, to be implemented during a national emergency, but with significant revisions of these plans by international interests under secret agreement, which are intended to abuse the emergency preparations for their dystopian plans. My undergraduate degree was in economics, so I know that the United States Government is controlled by international bankers, the people are indentured servants, and money is not real. The IRS claims ownership of all land, real estate, and ‘all real men with hands and legs’. That is correct; the IRS claims ownership of you and every member of your family.
My email address is: Contact me, and I will send you government documentation to prove everything, and information on what I did to gain return of my freedom and property.

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