MP Nigel Evans gives BRILLIANT reason why Donald Tusk cannot accept Brexit

”Mr Evans said: “Poor Donald Tusk. When we talk about democracy, I really do appreciate why he doesn’t fully understand it.

“He has never been elected to the Presidency, like lots of other presidents. He’s just been elected by the countries’ prime ministers and governments.”

Tusk was selected, he was offered the job, before he had left government and he hesitated, his wife told him to take the job if it was offered, so he did, this was all shown on a documentary about him. The politicians just rubber stamped his selection by Merkel and Junker.

skoobydob – > Sam Hartford
Why don’t you simply admit that the EU is in all respect a regime. The system is constructed to deny people the right to elect leaders. National parliaments are a sham and the members of those parliaments have been carefully selected through a corrupted party system to nod trough the will of fraudsters.

‘…Like-minded Politicians belong to a Political Party and conjure up a Manifesto, a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of their party.

If the general public prefers one manifesto to another, they vote them into Government, but they are voted in

The European Union men at the top are NOT voted in by the general public and ‘invent’ their own hare-brained schemes that become law which is then enforced on all member countries. They work for what THEY perceive to be the best for the EU member countries, but
DO NOT work for the people, neither can the people vote them in or out.

“The EU is a form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and control of industry and commerce.”

Except what I have described above is the dictionary definition of Fascism.’

Donald Tusk has always been a Merkel slave even when he was PM of Poland – gave the country away right left and centre. It’s only their present government PIS who are endeavouring to not become another satellite of Germany.

” being delivered by this Government.” Have my strong doubts that anything delivered by a May government would make a decent cuppa, unless the mugs were in EU colours.

The TeasMade UK …….

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