AI warning from Julian Assange

”Julian Assange believes super-powerful Artificial Intelligence is just around the corner and claims he has intel which states humans will soon become immortal by digitising their brains”

jess littlefield
I mention Palantir advanced AI system in a live stream and the stream got taken down immediately

YouTube Is Garbage
AI created Bitcoin too. Why do you think it sucks so bad. Yes, Bitcoin’s code is the only on Earth found to be without a single error. Implying the “Genesis Block” and the algorithm to create it were done by machine. A stupid, evil machine. WOPR from WarGames. Ugh, I f******* hate that thing…

Jamie N’Louisiana (edited)
AI = Alien Infestation. Revolution or regurgitation?

stephen payn
GMTV this morning here in England was reviewing a new film on AI with one of the presenters saying she would love to have her consciousness transferred and another saying hasn’t Elon Musk talked about having this technology…They KNOW Our Consciousness Is Our POWERFUL Weapon Against Them and have tried their best to normalize this haven’t they Brother…Their Time Is Done Now#GREATAWAKENING#WEARETHEPEOPLE

Michael Barclay
you know some thing is wrong when the arabs welcome AI but not any other religion

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