I’d rather stay than leave as EU’s puppet: Boris Johnson says Brexiteers face HUGE fight

NLAT – Apparently Theresa May doesn’t want this photo of her supporting Remain in the EU shared around social media. Please do not share.

https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/904685/brexit-news-latest-boris-johnson-nigel-farage-eu-referendum-remain-uk-jeremy-corbyn-labourShow 5 more replies

I wouldn’t worry about a bit of frustration from the establishment Boris. Pull a fast one with a second referendum to betray Brexit and you’ll know all about it from the people for years and years to come. Not worth it chum.

SammyTrent – > Truthful Dee Edited
The word “establishment” says it all, they tried to rig the first vote, and were so sure they would win, yet underestimated the amount of people who would vote to leave, that’s why they want to rig it properly in their favour, they’ve done it in other Countries

The referendum in 2016 was the 2nd referendum, the first was based on lies and treason, Heath knew, and so did successive PMs and MPs

PArilament is tyrannous

Blair and Brown installed 466 Peers into Lords.
Good work for the ‘Party of the Working Class’?

That Sad IQ Khant is regarded as the establishment????? – we do have a fifth column, enemy within.

Eleze210 – > Napoleon
Much less damaging than going back to the EU.
When they have their army who do you think they will send to the front if ever there is a war. We will be punished much more than we already have if we return. We need to walk away now.  Yep we are now hated by tptwtb.

Boris “fears” yet Nigel says “Bring it on” Everyday the case for Remain dwindles away to nothing. Project fear has no legs, The Europeans are aiming for their Superstate and the British become more proud and more incensed at the Brussels bureaucrats demand money with menaces. What has Nick Clegg got to say about the EU Army? Still a fallacy when Mrs May is talking to it at Sandhurst tomorrow?

I wish these Tories would grow a spine and get on with it. At this rate they will have nothing to claim credit for at the next election. UKIP got us out, UKIP won the debate and the Tories couldn’t even make the exit timely.  Since when did the fat BoZo EVER have a real spine?

SammyTrent – > Jon O  Edited
One big con, and it’s so transparent, they even have funded mayors commenting on here like Bill Chapman to spread their lies, he uses fake profiles too.

If they won’t accept one referendum, where they had years to speak their voice, even lies in a taxpayer funded leaflet, then they will never change when we won again, they would just spout the same lies, cause the same problems with their petty treasonous ways.

Quite different to the 70s referendum – (Heath knew it was treason, and he covered up the lies) – where they got on with it, because they got the result they wanted, and continued to lie, and unlawfully sign treaties sneakily.

73% of those surveyed believe Norway solution better than staying in EUSSR.

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