EUSSR Sock Puppetry – Part ii

Dan Hannan

Goodwill Floating
The EU is like the worst football agent!.. takes a load of money off you promising a better deal…then has you playing in the Antarctic Premier league!

Sparhawk – > Hootsmon
They said vote to remain, and we chose to leave. So 2/3rds of the electorate voted to leave.

We need to start draining the swamp of Westmincer. Start by voting for independents in the council election in May, and Don’t vote for any of the LIB/LAB/CON candidates in By Elections

Pester your MP’s / Councillor’s, asking them to represent the will of the people or stand for re-election if they won’t. All their e-mail addresses are readily available.

I cannot accept Macron, Juncker, Tusk or other MEP´s having any sway in this country, no matter what, we need to LEAVE.

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