Doctors and nurses: ‘When May and Hunt tell the public the NHS is not in crisis, that is a lie’

Thanks to NLAT for the link.

GW:  We are all called to serve mankind – some answer the call & become Medics, Nurses, Porters, Profs, Teachers, Priests (don’t laugh we have some very sincere people in this brigade), Our Armed Forces & Marine Personnel, Lifeboat & Mountain Rescue Crew, Musicians, Ambulance Personnel, Firemen & Policemen, Child Carers – working long hours for basic pay, Radiologists, Dustmen keeping our streets in good nick, Gardeners caring for our parks, Builders/Plumbers/Electricians/Surveyors/ taking care of our buildings, Captains of decent firms taking care of export growth & their staff – I could go on.  Others just get a job in Westmincer.

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