Why do transgender children raise the hackles of ‘tolerant’ Australians?

9 September 2017

”When I talked to the Australian Christian Lobby, I realised the ways some of my inner-city progressive friends worry about transgender youth dove-tailed unexpectedly with the ACL’s concerns. Even on the phone, the anger of the ACL’s Queensland director Wendy Francis was palpable. Some boys are feminine and some girls are boyish, Francis said, but now people were insisting young impressionable kids are transgender, with what she felt were disastrous results – a diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” and possible surgical intervention.

Francis brought up the example of a transgender Melbourne youth named Nevo Zisin, who appears in a video in a pro-diversity teaching resource attacked by conservative politicians. “You’ve got a government-funded program which has a 17-year-old female who identifies as a straight male,” Francis said. “She tells the children that somebody suggested to her she could be transgender; until then, she identified as lesbian. They suggested she could be transgender because she liked playing with boys’ toys as a child. The gender stereotyping here makes me boil.”‘


GW: Yes but not giving children irreversible operations at 3 years of age as was done in Queensland – just to accommodate the parents’ beliefs and comfort zone!

Wendy Francis on the sexualisation of society

Australian Christian Lobby
Published on 2 May 2016

Wendy Francis addresses the Australian Christian Lobby 2016 National Conference in Sydney. Ms Francis is ACL’s Queensland Director and Spokesperson for the rights of children and women as she tirelessly campaigns against sexual exploitation.

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