Sadiq Khan Shows Interesting ”Tongue” Protrusion – He Was Put Under Pressure @ Fabian Society Recently

Amber Rudd wants everything to the right of Bob Geldoff classified in the same group as ISIS supporters

How did this subversive anti British person ever become Mayor of London he has brought nothing but destruction to Britain’s future he does not speak for us

TruthtoPower – > Old_ Grump
But london is no longer British.

PaulJWeighell – > Old_ Grump Edited
I live in London and yes parts are becoming unbearable.
It’s mainly the inner and eastern parts that vote lefty. They are overpopulated areas of high density social housing reliant on socialist councils to pay grants and unemployment payments to those who tend to vote as a mob where their ‘community leaders’ rally support.

Can’t blame poor people for voting for freebies and because most migrants head for London there is an abnormal % of them concentrated in areas that now resemble other countries.

Outer areas (except Hackney and Haringey) and the west side are mostly normal people who despise what is happening elsewhere in town but a lot of them vote LibDem or Green to be trendy so they split the non-socialist vote and let Labour in.

Rocketman84 – > Patriot Pete
The EU should do its best to undermine the “homogeneity” of its member states, the UN’s special representative for migration Peter Sutherland said in 2012.

The Fabians are part of the Global Government dictatorship and it’s no surprise Kahn was bootlicking there.

No time for Khan the new self appointed king of londonia.

Very good news that people are fighting back. Khan is way out of his depth.Khan is also an anachronism since he represents the polices of Tony Bliar and mass immigration which have been rejected by Britain. Bliar and Nu Labour ruined the harmony in British society and it has got to come to a head. We are a Nation divided because of Labour.

Pleas sign the Petition Leave the eu immediately.  134,597 already have

It’s all just Lizardry GovWatch. Gideon????  Is that you? Yes GW it is i. Well Gideon seeing as you are @ hand I was wondering where that last piece of Dresden Christstollen got to.  Well GW you know that Oswald was over yesterday.  Yeeees.  Well Oswald happened to mention that Stollen was almost his favourite.  I therefore offered it to him.  Oh I see – so it was Oswald what ate it.

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