Looking into Harry Reid – Gosh



Toronto Gal, USA,
Well lying is part of dingy hairy’s profile. He lied about Romney, he lied for 0bama. I’d love to see his taxes, but he’s not willing to put that out. He has become a millionaire from his years in the senate and from all the dealings he has done with china. Some day I hope we can find out all of it. He graduated from a university in Southern Utah and a couple of years ago they put his name on a building because of his position in the senate. Well the uproar was overwhelming. This city is very conservative and they all knew/know exactly what dingy has done. So they took his name off of the building. Yea, Cedar City.

3Aug 2012: Harry Reid and his mob connections – What is he hiding?

Forum: Is Harry Reid a serial pederast?  Goodness.

Going To Harry Reid’s House To See About That Bundy DISMISSAL! – Laz Ecenarro & Jeff Banta – 1/8/18

This chap Reid and his mate Mr ”Love” seem to be raising the hackles of good ordinary tax-paying Americans something fierce.  Laz & Jeff let’s talk?

Rory Reid ?  Yep – he does look a bit limp like you said Laz.

10 Aug 2012: The Corruption of Harry & Rory Reid in Nevada

Cliven Bundy walks free as federal judge dismisses Bundy Ranch standoff case

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