Isn’t It Time Al Campbell Went To Work In A Charity Shop Or Something? Maybe Volunteer At AA?

Remember that this is the very same Alastair Campbell who, on the morning after the referendum, said publicly, on national television, the “The PEOPLE should never have been given a vote”. The utter arrogance of this person.

GW: Join AA?

veterisbumbuli – > Brexitmeetsreality
The Common Market vote was the biggest con trick ever foisted on the British, Heath put an embargo on the truth for 30 years hoping by that time it would be to late to come out, and by the performance of the past 18 months he could have been right.

The bitterness at having been cast on the scrap heap by Blair can be seen etched across Campbell’s miserable face. He obviously hoped to be re-appointed as chief bag carrier if and when Blair became EU president. I can say to him now: Forget it Campbell – it isn’t going to happen.

barge – > Ron Burgundy
Unfortunately, I’m not convinced it IS on track, because May is basically of the same opinion as Campbell and all the rest of the Bilderbergers and their fellow travellers. It’s about time people stopped believing that May is trying to satisfy the wishes of the majority of the electorate.

People are only “becoming more worried about the consequences” because they are beginning to realise that May has NO INTENTION of allowing the UK to leave the EU. Instead, she and the EU will deliberately agree to a deal which effectively means the UK will remain in the EU on WORSE terms than at present. These Bilderbergers are so fanatical that they would PUNISH the people who voted against them, even if it means the country will be worse off. And if anybody says that is far-fetched, remember that the whole purpose of the EU is to make the nation states LESS powerful and increasingly under the control of the EU.

Another one with dead fish eyes – alongside Adonis, Blair, Cable, GMiller. Interesting. Perhaps it’s time for some DNA tests to see what they’re really made of?

I thought that photo was from “The Living Dead,” he is dead – he just hasn’t realised it yet – like Blair.

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