Project Mayhem: Combating IRS/Tech Support Scams with Dubious Means

”IRS scams and tech support scams are two of the most well-known fraud schemes preying on users today. In the former, bad actors cold-call unsuspecting individuals and tell them they’ll go to prison and/or lose their assets unless they call back and agree to pay back taxes owed to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).”

”To help protect users against such scams, some individuals are taking matters into their own hands.

Enter Project Mayhem.

Founded by a Reddit user/self-proclaimed “security developer” named YesItWasDataMined, Project Mayhem seeks “to prevent victims from being scammed by different types of scams.” The service comes with a multi-tier system where “patrons” pay YesItWasDataMined to “work against a scammer.”

They do this by using VM farms, forwarding calls to law enforcement and activating time-wasting bots like those created by Jolly Roger Telephone Company.”

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