Nottingham train station fire: 50 firefighters tackle HUGE blaze – commuters evacuated

There have been so many very large fires of late that they cannot possibly be coincidental. It would seem that there are arson gangs of some persuasion or other at large.

I’d guess it’s very difficult to start a major blaze like this ‘accidently’. Hard enough to light the barbecue !  Especially in this dank weather.

Huge car park fire … Huge paint factory fire … Huge train station fire .. ALL IN A WEEK !! … Come on, something’s going on … Could this now be sabotage of infastructure, as terrorism has many forms  {{12/01/18}} 

sabotage .. to deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage / gain …. the action of sabotaging something.
“a coordinated campaign of sabotage”
synonyms: wrecking, deliberate damage, vandalism, destruction, obstruction, disruption, crippling, impairment, incapacitation

GW: “Cui bono?” und ”Ordo ab chao” as some might say.  Those Notts folks been jigging some influential strings?

SriLankerC Dissing Vaccines – OOPS

Published on 8 Jan 2018
”Bond Market starting to crash?”  Get your money sorted.

Ian Watson
I would quite happily spend good money to be in a queue for just five minutes in a locked room with that cnut Murdoch, he ripped my late mother off for thousands of pounds in pay she never got and nearly cost us our home when like the other Gray’s Inn lockouts she comes back from holiday to the Times and finds out she was sacked, no redundancy, no severance, the aussies did warn us he would go that way but did we listen? He destroyed what was a fairly honest media into the paid for shills and hacks of today’s news “outlets” and every Murdoch editor is in the back pocket of the Tories, I think Robert Fisk over at the Indy is prob the only honest one left…

FLU FEAR FLU FEAR Porn Porn – ‘Tragic loss’ 18-year-old girl dies as Japanese and Aussie flu deaths jump 77 per cent

New @DE CIF  Edited
Quite sad but in the photo provided – she looks as thin as a rake.
I think there is more to this than we are being told.

Did she have some complicating, underlying condition as SpocsBeard mentioned below..  If so – I am pretty sure all the money in the world could not have saved her.  Some people cannot accept this fact, especially those who think money sorts everything out – mainly Londoners.

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