Jack Ruby & Carousel Club & Stephie Key – No Difference

17 October 2015

Welcome To The Carousel Club

”Downtown Dallas. The year is 1963. Across the street from the Hotel Adolphus and upstairs from a delicatessen – it is the famously infamous Carousel Club. Jack Ruby is your host for the evening and the furthest thing from his mind is killing the assassin of a U.S. President. Jack’s got girls, girls, girls (to manage) and money, money, money (to count).

Jack Ruby’s Carousel Club (Part 1) (English Version)

Published on 15 Mar 2009

Charlene Sanders
Oswald took the fall. Watch Judith Vary Baker’s youtube vids. And see LBJ’s mistress’s interview Madelyn Duncan Brown, Texas In the Morning.

marco calarco
Ruby was a busy guy in all this. He was I.D.ed by at least 2 people (1 a cop) at different times around the grassy knoll that day. He was into lots of nasty things. His dogs were his family, he probably wanted to spend his last moments with his favorite one. This isn’t a normal person we are talking about here (It’s Ruby). Oswald was supposed to be shot by Tippet, then in theatre, both failed. Ruby stalked Oswald for a couple of days. It wasn’t a whim and he didn’t care about the Kennedys. IMO.

Gatemouth Brown
2 comments: Ruby was esentially mafia, thus he never would have risked involving the mob unless he was ordered to do it. PERIOD. John Connally said the bullet that caused his thigh wound fell out, during an examination, onto the floor and a female nurse BENT over and picked it up and pocketed it. This contradicts the SBT since it is supposed to be the single bullet that did that damage. WHere is this missing bullet and the testimony of this never identified nurse.. GONE WITh THE WIND.

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