‘Disastrous’: Worried wealthy Britons ‘hiding funds from future Jeremy Corbyn Government’

”The UK’s rich list is ploughing money into their pensions funds as they fear a hard-Left Labour government after the next election, City boss Jason Hollands has claimed.

Tilney Investment Management Services boss Jason Hollands said: “The potential election of a hard-left government led by Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell is a factor creating anxiety towards UK investments amongst many of our clients.

The investment boss claimed that clients are worried that the tax reliefs they have grown used to are now “on borrowed time”.”  Whereas we got very little in the way of tax perks.


“”After seven years of Tory austerity”
Translation: “After seven years of living within our means”.
That’s something no Labour government has ever done.

jullianne23 – > A N D P
What twaddle is that. We have long since ceased to live within our means and it is under successive tory governments that we have happily printed and spent and taxed, just on different things from what a socialist government would spend the unearned money on. And about time too.

Corbyn should lock them up when elected for fraud and money laundering.  Labour have ”issues” as well.

GW:  Hiding their wealth in Trust/Pension Funds?  You don’t say.  They’ve been doing it for years.  So sick of paying these scroungers’ bills!  Been paying them for years already.  Helped pay for the NHS which they are now selling off to their mates.  Fizzle!

Former millionaires Graham Gillespie, Barry Hughes & Malcolm Scott ‘still enjoying lavish lifestyles with new luxury cars despite claiming they are bankrupt’

Malcolm Scott was banned from being a company director (Image: BBC)

Malcolm Scott, a former ­treasurer of the ­Conservative Party in Scotland, was given a BRO in 2015. He is under the ­restrictions until 2021. The BBC team had heard Scott was running a property company in breach of his BRO.

Scott told an undercover reporter that Sandnewco One Ltd was run by himself and ­Alexander Duncan – its ­registered director – who was a “silent partner”.”

These criminals are protected by their friends in government,the working man wouldn’t get away with anything like the amounts these people owe.

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