Tom DeLonge Opens UFO Investigation Company? – To The Stars Academy

UFO Seekers
Published on 15 Oct 2017

The DeLonge Family Trust eh?
TPTWTB have an ”Aliens are real and they are here to help you Agenda” ready to go – don’t fall for it folks.
Thanks to a GovWatch Associate for the link.

UFO Seekers received unending questions about Tom DeLonge’s supposed UFO Investigation Company, To the Stars Academy. George Knapp announced that Tom DeLonge’s brand new company was completely dedicated to researching and investigating UFOs which sent the UFO community into an uproar. We decided to source the George Knapp story, yet could not find any evidence whatsoever to back up Knapp’s announcement made on TV. We also received questions about investing in ”To The Stars Academy,” so we dug into the SEC Filings and financials. What we found, is crazy!

WTC Realist
Excellent research… and from a former banker’s point of view it looks to me like Mr. DeLonge has his fingers in a number of ponzi schemes all in an effort to raise the value of one or more companies so that he can take huge tax write offs from those and apply them to his other businesses that aren’t doing so well.
It’s the old follow the ball under the cup routine, and looks pretty damn shady all around.

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