This man teaches birds to take safe routes by flying alongside them in his plane

”For the last 27 years Christian Moullec has been training geese and other birds to take safe routes, away from hunters. He does this by flying his microlite aircraft on those routes and inducing the birds to fly alongside.

On his first flight from Sweden to Germany, Moullec was followed by 30 geese. Now his dream is to fly with 500 birds.”

Published on 28 Dec 2017
”Christian Moullec has been dubbed the ‘birdman’ for his extraordinary relationship with birds and as this breathtaking footage shows, the 58-year-old loves nothing more than sharing his passion with others – taking people up on his microlight and encouraging them to reach out and touch the birds mid-flight.

‘Christian, from Cantal in France, first starting flying with birds back in 1995 in a bid to migrate them to areas where they were well protected and stop their numbers declining.

Since then, he has dedicated his life to raising and training orphaned geese and helping birds on the brink of extinction.”

Come fly with me

Published on 15 Jan 2014

Thanks to The Outer Light for drawing attention to this.

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