Theresa May torn over timing of Jeremy Hunt’s promotion because of worsening NHS crisis

Dr Humongous Carrington Smythe 6 Jan 2018
May keeps promoting her loyal lackies , irrespective of their gross incompetence or scandals in their private life.
Her position is precarious and so shes too scared to promote real talent that would be a threat to her.
The harridan keeps blundering from one crisis to another and now she’s knighted Brady the only man who could have instigated her removal.

She’s acting like a Tudour monarch.

She’s a disaster.

Dun Roamin 6 Jan 2018
Hunt is widely reviled among even my Conservative friends; medics in my family and others who I know also socially are united in their antagonism (hated from some even) towards him. If Theresa the Appeaser is smart she will not promote Hunt and if he ever shows any signs of wishing a new low-profile/resposnibility role she should encourage him and fulfil that wish.

Lars Mansson 6 Jan 2018
NHS is not the only health system which has problems this time of year. In my native Sweden we also have a crisis. Too many people need help.

The question is should we cater for the peak or accept that at times we will be overwhelmed.  It doesn’t matter which party is in power, there will always be a shortage of services.

Cheshire Red 6 Jan 2018
It doesn’t matter who is Health secretary or what their policies are; while the UK continues with an open borders all-welcome immigration policy aided by a free at point of use NHS (translation; free for the rest of the world if you can make it to the UK) then the NHS will ALWAYS be stretched to breaking point.

Change UK immigration and NHS policy (ie require overseas visitors to have health insurance) to save the NHS – or prepare to fight a permanent battle.

GW:  Treeza Torn? Yeah bet she’s in bits.

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