The “New ILLUMINATi:” Tech People; DATA CENTERS; SpaceX “Government Projects”

They’re Changing Guard At Buckingham Palace – Christopher Robin went down with Alice ….. A.A. Milne’s 1924 collection

The Black Child
Published on 5 Jan 2018

”Elon Musk & Space X have had 15 launches in 2017.  It is obvious with the number of rocket launches they are not just ”refuelling the space station & delivering supplies” – they are running GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS in the upper atmosphere.”

Wake Up
Bezos eyes definitely look creepy and bulgy #vrill

1 April 2016: Amazon show in doubt after CEO Jeff Bezos assaulted

”Amazon boss and space pioneer Jeff Bezos has reportedly been assaulted in a bar brawl in downtown Seattle, Washington last night. The assault took place while Bezos was celebrating with a group of senior staff members, along with presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and Executive Producer Andy Wilman.

It is said that they were celebrating the signing of the final edits for their new Amazon motoring show, with all involved drinking heavily into the night.

At around 11:30pm, patrons heard raised voices and shouting, before a scuffle broke out between Bezos and Clarkson.

A bartender from the Purple Cafe, speaking on the condition of anonymity, suggested the argument was about money. “The bald guy [Bezos] kept saying there wasn’t enough money left in the budget to pay the taller gentleman the amount they’d previously agreed on. The whole room fell silent. It was intense,” the bartender said.”

GW: Clarkson got close enough to smack Bezos?  Good work.  Pity is wasn’t for treating Amazon employees abysmally!

The Gnostic Truth
I’m telling everyone, THIS AREA is where the “meat” of where the important activities are taking place. Psychotronics/Big Data/Quantum Mainframe Networks/Fusion Centers/Covertly Manipulated Internet Topologies/Human Trafficking and Experimentation. It goes on and on. But it is all connected into Fifth Column Networks augmented by Black Ops Wetworks.

mortif2 hours ago – > The Gnostic Truth

GW:  Retailing & Gizmo Giant CEOs one minute – Space Pioneers the next?  Where do these guys get the money & the time from to do all their high-tech research development & planning – running a retail empire/gizmo giant must take up a big part of your day surely & the margins can’t be that good – if they were then the likes of Royal Mail would be ”on it” as well?  Getting a little help from their ”friends”?

The Beatles – With A Little Help From My Friends

Jimmy Rochette
Bezos is an illuminati puppet under mk ultra control check again at 5:00 it is a sign you can’t miss but well i am not an expert either it just my intuition.

Becky Dean – The Dean Machine
To answer the “Q” as to why they need to set the bombs off, look into the 5G. It has something to do with they did it in the past to get materials (metals) up there and now the levels are getting low and they need to repeat the blasting for frequency increase without the public knowing. (Just a quick snip of it all). Great vid as always

Beyond The Eye
Thanks! One of the more on point channels on this Micky Mouse platform.
These people are psychopathic, egotistical monsters in reality (void of empathy, in pursuit of power)
Thank you for shedding light on and informing souls of the madness and ill intent tptwtb force the sleep induced masses into believing is ”genius and progression” (…It certainly is not for anything more than our eventual ‘complete’ enslavement, control & destruction if allowed to. The only ”win” for us is making ourselves aware of their plans & to not fall into the snare).

J.L. Herington (edited)
Interesting enough computers really don’t work this way. We have been programmed for decades to believe in AI. The government, educated experts & business professionals know what’s best for us? Right? They’re smarter? So we should just listen to them? Correct? No, no, no they’ve made us believe a BIG lie. They want us to beLIEve they’re the all seeing eye & the all knowing brain. They’re merely FEAR WHORING! Pretending & masquerading as angels of light & enlightenment. Falling to the alter of AI & professing to be above God. They’re providing to us all what they’ve always provided, False Evidence Appearing Real, F.E.A.R. They do what they do best and it’s technology? Right? No it’s 🐍 oil! What they do best is lying, deceiving, stealing, blackmailing, threatening, manipulating & murdering! It has nothing to do with AI becoming conscious & everything to do with FEAR, TERROR & TRAUMA. Research it for yourself. Then you will know why its so relevant to their Agenda. God tells us to fear no evil & follow him. You know what? I say he is right.

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