True Lies
Published on 4 Jan 2018

Published on 4 Jan 2018

Crabby Appleton
And Now we have Nikki Hilton part of the Rothschild clan.

ChrisC – > Sunshine Sunshine
Just a side point tying HRC to the plan C comment a little earlier. “Enough is enough” is one of the illuminati card game cards!
Random I’m sure but isn’t it always!?

Does Mysterious NWO Illuminati Card Hint At Upcoming Political Assassination Attempt – Have They Had Enough?

What Makes A Movie Good?  Great Actors.
Ghost P.O.
Published on 4 Jan 2018

Garland Novosad (edited)
TRUMP is hands down the BEST President the U.S. has ever had! Great strategist and unequaled acting talents. Keeps folks off guard. Remember how he was constantly criticizing A. G. Jeff Sessions. All the while, the work was going on.

The recent Executive Order on Human Trafficking, where the gov’t declared a national emergency concerning human trafficking/human right violations. Violators, both foreign AND DOMESTIC, are now declared “enemies of the state” and will be arrested and detained ANYWHERE in the world..sent to GITMO– INDEFINITELY and without appeal… until they are brought before a military tribunal AAAAAND have all their assets seized.
22 U.S. Code § 6713 – Civil liability of United States (a) Claims for taking of property
(1) Jurisdiction of courts of the United States
(A) United States Court of Federal Claims
The United States Court of Federal Claims shall, subject to subparagraph (B), have jurisdiction of any civil action or claim against the United States for any taking of property without just compensation that occurs by reason of the action of any officer or employee of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, including any member of an inspection team of the Technical Secretariat, or by reason of the action of any officer or employee of the United States pursuant to this chapter or the Convention. For purposes of this subsection, action taken pursuant to or under the color of this chapter or the Convention shall be deemed to be action taken by the United States for a public purpose.

Eagle Heart
I am amazed how many Patriots like you are ENGAGED to expose the Evil. That being said take this for what it is worth…What goes up must come down Spinning World goes round and round....God Our Father is in Control and HIS PLAN will come at His Time. God Bless you for your engagement. Pony Express Salutes you.

Ghost P.O.
Eagle Heart Thank you. You are right. This is why Trump supporters need to remain patient.

Sylviane Albarracin
Super témoignage? MERCI et que Dieu nous bénisse tous!

Bad Kitty
This is, bar none, the best soap opera I have ever seen. The problem is…it’s a bit disturbing in a way to know others have played this theater for decades to fool us. That’s why they are all called actors in the political theater.

Patty DeBingo
I have thought the same thing. So much is happening then why not take the eyes off the reopening of the Clinton investigations and the pedophiles, etc… and make the MSM (spit spit spit) go just ape poopie over the Bannon/Trump feud. Bombard did a body language of the author of ‘the book’ and said she thought he was NOT truthful about recordings… and Bannon supposedly recorded for several hours? We’ve never had anything like all this happening… There’s always been intrigue, but we ‘common” folk have never known about it. WOW and WOW

Smoke and mirrors is the word you’re looking for. When Sessions announced the weed seize they quietly appointed 1000 acting prosecutors primarily in liberal states.

Rosie Brind’amour
Seems like a superb game of chess. MAGA!!

GW:  The fire at the Clinton house was so ”certain folks” could go in and get ”the evidence” – because there was a fire the services could enter the property – legally.

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