Beach Boys – Wouldn’t It Be Nice

True Lies
Published on 5 Jan 2018

Genesis gmail
Can’t hide anything by burning evidence, Via, Meltdown & Spectre have everything on them.

Randal R
For the first time in many many years, I have had an urge to drink a beer with my Pal, God…for all He is doing…I luv Yu Man.
Anyone know of a clean non toxic non corrupt NAZIified CEO Run Corp Brewery or Beer if I want to celebrate?
Really. I aint had any Alcohol nor desired it a long time. Manic Depressive and Psychoactive. VA Patient many yrs.
Jesus saved me.

Bonnie Turpin
Didn’t Obama have a sweetie pie from Pakistan back in his younger days.

Marty Simpson
So if we are not spinning through space on a ball. The secret space program would be bad.

Brett Merchant
sendin the radiation!!! i can handle anything. LOL

2018 Death Penalty: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018:

Whirled Publishing
Published on 5 Jan 2018

Hillary is already rumored to be wearing an ankle bracelet under her ‘cast’ as well McCain and as others who are suddenly showing up with leg casts. Rumors are different from facts but Rumors also say the Podesta bros are already at GITMO as well as 2 Bush members. We have confirmed thru satellite imaging and other methods, that there has been extremely high traffic to GITMO since Trumps executive order Dec 21/17 which freezes the assets of Human traffickers and we can thank obummer for His exec order that will allow Trump to indefinitely detain these satan worshiping, spirit cooking, child traffickers, pedophiles forever. Looks like Trump has wasted no time since he said recently that he was getting GITMO ready for several ‘High Profile’ prisoners !!! Praise GOD

Jokowi attends Christmas celebration in Pontianak
‘A cover for moving 100 tons of gold’?
Khazarian Mobsters Under Arrest?

Wouldn’t It Be Nice?

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