Richard/Rachel Hoskins Has Been Wheeled Out By Tptwtb To Shore Up Their Claim That Ted Heath Is Innocent

 Mr/Ms Hoskins who also appears to have gender issues, is actually a Theology Professor, who wrote a book called The Boy in the River.

QUOTE: ”Unable to identify the victim, the Murder Squad turned to Richard Hoskins, a young professor of theology with a profound understanding of African tribal religion, whose own past was scarred by a heartbreaking tragedy. Thus began a journey into the tangled undergrowth of one of the most notorious murder cases of recent years; a journey which would reveal not only the identity of the boy they called Adam but the horrific truth that a succession of innocent children have been ritually sacrificed in our capital city.

Insightful and grippingly written, The Boy in the River is an inside account of a series of extraordinary criminal investigations and a compelling personal quest into the dark heart of humanity.”

Criminologist Dr Rachel Hoskins formerly Dr Richard Hoskins

Mike Veale

Keith Vaz

Mr/Ms Hoskins has been cited by a number of MSM outlets as the expert criticising Wiltshire Police Officer Mike Veale’s investigation of Ted Heath e.g. Daily Mail & The Times & The Telegraph

7  October 2017: Mike Veale slammed Keith Vaz for intervening in Operation Conifer’s probe into Edward Heath

The Mirror reported on 8 August 2015 that:

Edward Heath fixed it for Jimmy Savile to receive OBE and attended Paedophile Information Exchange meetings

GW:  Thanks to UK Column for drawing attention to the use of Mr/Ms Hoskins’ testimony against Officer Veale in the continuing Ted Heath saga.  The problem for tptwtb is that Heath was extorted by ”certaines personnes en eu” to take the UK into the ‘European project’ – against the better interests of the UK citizenship – 40 years ago.  So at the current state of play where 17.4 Million voted for BREXIT, this is somewhat of a tricky situation.  Say Veale did prove Heath was a paedophile who ”liked little boys”  & worse – this would be extremely embarrassing for the ToriCons and somewhat ”déjà vu” for Mr Vaz – taking into account Mr Vaz’s position on the justice committee – and certainly some ”schadenfreude” for the rest of us perhaps.

George Greek Trucker
5 January 2018

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