Blair Joins The Ranks Of Those Trying To Turn ”Populism” Into the New Shaming Word

Blair said: “We need to use Brexit to find answers to the underlying issues. Otherwise, Europe’s populism will only grow.”

What a complete and utter hypocrite!!! This coming from the very person who’s done the most harm to this country than anyone else! He well and truly opened the floodgates and didn’t care whether it was to Europeans or people that don’t share our values!!! Oh and another one trying to turn the word ‘populism’ into the new shaming word!! The only time I want to hear about this vile person is when he’s put in prison where he belongs!

Allypoops – > TruthHurts908
The fact that this vile creature is still free to walk the streets and peddle his lies & propaganda is an insult to the law-abiding British people. Blair should be strung up!

EU to crumble? Great! And I hope it takes Blair with it. ”Poisonous whack job” that he is.

Foulan – >  saracen
Not just Blair but the Cleggs and Heseltines of this world, although Blair is by far the worst! To call him a “poisonous whack job” is far too polite!

GW:  P P P P P …… Pop Pop Pop …… ul ul ul ul ……. Ark Ark Ark Cough Cough ….. Wretch Wretch …… ”Sick bag quick”’ …… Glarrrrk ……. ism …..  Puke Splash ….  ”That better Mr Blair?”   ”Yes …… it always makes me sick & keeps me up at night.”

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