Austria STRIPS benefits from residents’ children living aboard in move that could anger EU

”Mr Kurz said a legal paper commissioned by the government “clearly shows that it is legally possible to take these measures”, adding: “We have prepared this well.”

cru*ader  Edited
Our lying traitorous government say we can’t do it because it is against EU law. Our spineless EU loving rulers need to be tarred and feathered. We seem to have a Parliament whose sole purpose in life is to give our money away to undeserving foreigners who have no right to it.

MatELowe – > cru*ader
Refuse to pay it. What can the EU do to us?? Kick us out? LOL!

Excellent! It’s time the indigenous taxpayers of any European country were considered above the ‘Takers’ landing on their shores.

Britain has been far too generous to benefit tourists and their stories real or imagined… no wonder we can’t rid ourselves of them.

Lynmar – > Drummer
It was Cameron who caved in on this one. Went to negotiate, got nothing except we could keep the £.  Talk about wet wimp…Cameron, the manager of nation! WHAT?

daviddee – > Lynmar
There is a world of difference between a ‘manager’ and a ‘leader’. Cameron the Coward was a poor manager and May is even worse. UK has not had a leader since Mrs. Thatcher.

Children should receive benefits in the country they live in – this would also stop ficticious children claiming.

Can Mr Kurz Please spend a couple of hours with Mrs May so UK can also do this easy to prepare policy.

Expressed – > Jayare
A bit late. She didn’t do it while she could have done in years gone by, and now the resentment that has caused has made the UK throw everything else out with that bathwater.

STUK4ME – > yorkie53
No doubt Romanians and Bulgarians are spared the nasty habit of working for a living whilst they live on child benefits which match their annual wages!

Audrey Parker – > Leon Chimerek
I aw that report in a British newspaper, where the man boasted of having built a luxury mansion and published photos of it, all on welfare.

5 April 2016

The Romanian town ‘built on British benefits’: Mansions bigger than the average UK semi and BMWs with British number plates parked in the drives ‘paid for with taxpayer cash’

”Tandarei, some 100 miles east of the Romanian capital Bucharest, has changed beyond recognition in recent years: the number of mansions in this 12,000-strong town has tripled since it first attracted international attention.

Of those, more than 300 – most with gleaming BMWs and brand new Volkswagens parked on the expertly-paved driveways outside – are feared to have been paid for by the British taxpayer through money earned illegally or through benefits scams in the UK.”

Luxurious: Sprawling mansions paid for by illegally obtained funds line the streets of the tiny Romanian town of Tandarei (pictured, a home where a member of the Radu gypsy gang lived)

GW:  Meanwhile the ToriCon Government restricts benefits for our own citizens who have often paid taxes into the system in the past!  Disgraceful!

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