ToriCons Finally Coughed Up Their Donor List After Mirror Pressure

First Blair coughing & spluttering over ”Populism” & Now ToriCons coughing up – must be that Australian Flu we’ve heard so much about.

The Conservative Party trousered £12.9million from these donors or their firms in 2017. Tories quietly name 64 donors who attended a Leader’s Group meal with Theresa May or a top minister between January and June 2017 after pressure from The Mirror.

  • JCB billionaire Lord Bamford (left) and his family led the pack – and the dinner table
  • Theresa May also dined with hedge fund billionaire Sir Michael Hintze
  • Addison Lee cab firm founder John Griffin was at the top table
  • So was housebuilding billionaire John Bloor

Teresa @ 60: Women’s hair tends to thin out when they reach ‘d’un certain âge” Treeza – that thatch still looks unnaturally thick despite the clever streaking on top.  Cough Cough Cough.

The rich looking after the Tories and the Tories looking after the rich while the rest of us can go without. The Tories are stripping the cupboards bare.

This is called high class prostitution, nothing more and nothing less.

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