New Chartist Movement Letter to Philip Hammond

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3rd January 2018

The Rt. Hon. Philip Hammond MP

The Chancellor of the Exchequer
HM Treasury
1 Horse Guards Road

Dear Chancellor

Please be advised that we are writing this letter to you under the ancient privileges and inalienable rights of our Common Law heritage and that under the over-riding supremacy of our Common Law Trial by Jury Constitution you are obligated to carry out our requirement of you, without let of hindrance, as our requirement is entirely honourable, being as it is centred around the completely proven truth, the law of the land and actual historical precedent.

Today, we have written to Nicky Morgan MP in her capacity as Chair of the Treasury Select Committee requiring her to arrange a live, televised meeting between us, the New Chartist Movement, and her Committee in order to discuss the imminent restoration of the debt-free and interest-free 1914 Treasury-issued Bradbury Pound.

This one clear and simple fiscal measure will annul the usury and debt-based economy that has been fraudulently imposed upon the British people by successive governments under the unconstitutional and unaccountable influence and direction of the City of London (courtesy of the virtually unknown City Remembrancer in Parliament). And it will also completely protect the nation’s economy from the future vagaries and shenanigans of the elitist and self-serving private bankers and financiers, not to mention the money markets and currency speculators.

The evidence is overwhelming – the British people, through deliberate and widespread deception about money creation, money supply and the pivotal role of the privately-run and very secretive Bank for International Settlements, are presently allowing themselves to be misled and manipulated on a truly vast scale.

This deception must and will come to an end – our Common Law Trial by Jury Constitution, as confirmed by the 1215 Great Charter which condemns usury outright as a crime, will ensure that we the people, the proverbial ‘ninety-nine per cent’, lawfully take back full control of our nation’s economy and money supply.

As you and your colleagues at HM Treasury are well aware, a sovereign nation, such as ours, has the absolute right to create, issue and control, through its treasury, all the money that is needed to provide adequately for that nation’s well-being, security and prosperity – money that is both debt-free and interest-free as it is based entirely on the wealth and creativity (labour potential) of that nation.

The restoration of Treasury M0 at 100% (or Sovereign National Credit as it is now known) will ensure and secure the necessary and permanent funding required for health, social welfare, defence, not to mention for our nation’s education and vital infrastructure needs such as the railways. It will also completely remove the necessity for having any form of complex and invasive direct taxation, including the unlawful demand upon people to pay Council Tax to fund local government.

The difference between government-created and bank-created money is that the government can issue it debt-free and interest-free as it is backed up by the nation’s wealth and assets. This money is then spent on the nation’s essential needs and infrastructure thus creating demand and stimulating the economy.

Banks, on the other hand, issue money that is created completely out of thin air as debt – it is not backed up by anything of value and is merely an exercise in ledger filling as confirmed by the Bank of England in their Quarterly Bulletin Q1 of Spring 2014“Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money”. They then lend this ‘nothingness’ at interest to borrowers which means that more has to be paid back than was lent thus keeping the supply of money tight and keeping both workers and the government in continuous debt. The lawful and democratic process to end this madness and criminality must now begin.

When this meeting of the Treasury Select Committee is arranged, we require you, as the elected public servant responsible for our nation’s finances, to be in
attendance. I am sure that we do not have to remind you that your first duty is to the sovereign people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland who elected you as their servant in Parliament and not to the private bankers and the vested corporate interests of the City of London.

May we take this opportunity to wish you and your staff at HM Treasury a happy and prosperous New Year.

Yours sincerely

Brian Gerrish Justin Walker Edward Alder (on behalf of the supporters of the New Chartist Movement)

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