Happy New Year Terry

2017: Theresa May Said “I’m proud of the record we have on the NHS”

2018: Theresa May Claims NHS ‘Better Prepared Than Ever Before’ Despite Thousands Of Cancelled Operations

May wore a bracelet with images of Frida Kahlo on his right wrist. ”Kahlo later described the atmosphere in her childhood home as often “very, very sad”” Hmmm.

Spencer Davis Group – I’m a Man

Theresa May’s TERRIBLE Campaign Strategy | Awkward With People And Media

Miles naGopaleen
You’re flogging a dead horse, mate. She’s a charmless robot and can’t do a TV interview let alone a face to face debate.

She’s not up to it because she has to lie when anyone asks her a question. The Tories don’t have a plan for brexit and they never have. They don’t have costing for their manifesto pledges and they don’t intend on sticking to their immigration and NHS funding targets, which they’ve broken several times. She wants to thank her lucky stars that 81% of Britain’s media is owned by corporations who she’s bought off by offering £60 billion in tax cuts to if she wins on 8th June or she might have been asked real questions. Questions such as ‘why have you tripped the national debt’ or, ‘why have you lent more over the past 7 years than any other labour government combined’? A question like that would win labour the election because she’d crumble. Oh and she doesn’t come across as a real person because she isn’t, shes an establishment Tory. Money, money, money.

GW: Body Language speaks volumes – absolutely terrified of media/ordinary people.

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