Blair/Bliar Whatever Your Name Is – You Are Yesterday’s Man – You Got That?

‘Classic EU!’ Lord Lamont TRASHES Tony Blair’s attempt to ‘sabotage’ Brexit in fiery rant

WWW etched into Blair’s head – say no more – There’s the brand of HIS master for everybody to see.

It’s a very dangerous game to play.

Politicians need to remember that the primary purpose of democracy is to circumnavigate the bIoodbath (to avoid civiI confIict), if you don’t respect a democratic vote then you get the bIoodbath.

The question here is, how many people are these Iunatics prepared to see die in order to enforce their will on the majority?

What Blair and co fail to mention is that
We are not out yet so we are still paying in – if they want the £350M for the NHS then they are going to have to wait until after March 2019
Until we are out – we will not have any basis for deciding if we are better off out than in. The evidence rather than conjecture will take decades to establish.
Blair and co are fearful of the unknown as they live to follow orders and processes Blair followed the EU orders when in power and didn’t have any need of original thought. Now our politicians are being tasked with original thought it is telling that Blair and his cohorts Chukka and Adonis are so fearful of needing to think for themselves that they cling to the mantra of the EUSSR like a security blanket.

Blair is a text-book cycle-path war criminal. Why is this wretch still at large, spouting propaganda? Prison is where he belongs.

Chris Andrews – Yesterday Man [1965]


Blair FINALLY admits EU could CRUMBLE after Brexit due to Brussels reform stubbornness

What a complete and utter hypocrite!!! This coming from the very person who’s done the most harm to this country than anyone else! He well and truly opened the floodgates and didn’t care whether it was to Europeans or people that don’t share our values!!! Oh and another one trying to turn the word ‘populism’ into the new shaming word!! The only time I want to hear about this vile person is when he’s put in prison where he belongs!

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