Asylum-seeking teen refused entry to UK ‘stabbed man to death and beat two others with iron bar’ after arriving in Ireland

”He reportedly arrived in Ireland in recent days via Scotland and the North after the UK authorities refused him asylum.

He began an asylum application in Ireland on January 1.

The 18-year-old from Egypt was tackled to the ground by an unarmed officer after allegedly knifing 34-year-old factory worker Yosuke Sasaki as he walked to work with headphones on – unaware of his attacker.”

GW:  Similar case to the recent murder in Finsbury Park – these guys are  mentally ill and it’s not their fault but we are not set up to deal with it.  Our health service can’t keep up.  The poor victim was just minding his own business & on his way to work – and would have been paying taxes – while this individual is just incapable of contributing to society in any meaningful way – yet somehow he was seeking asylum here???????  What was his game plan?  Get a place in a Mental Hospital?  How did he get to Scotland if he was rejected in England?  Thought we were still one United Kingdom?  Our Border Force must be just chaotic!

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