Treason’s Going To Take Charge Of Brexit Herself???? Good Lord.

What on earth is going on? Has Theresa tripped up over an Alp and banged her head or something or have I slept for three months and this is April Fools’ Day? Is she seriously going to promote Jeremy Hunt, Minister for Death and Disaster? Promote Boris Johnson, Minister for Bluff and Blunder?

Veracity 99
Boris will be simply ignored by the eu.
Is this the plan, uk?

He is incompetent and should not have been given the responsibility in the first place. The same can be said for this government – they have not got a clue about Brexit and are not negotiating for the best outcome for the UK, they are running scared of the extreme right-wing of their own party.

Expecting May to oversee a functional Brexit or a functioning Government is like asking the builder who came to fit a new front door and accidentally demolished your house to successfully build a new one for you.

It must be very hard for the PM to know which of the ‘slathering dolts’ surrounding her to choose to make the biggest pig’s breakfast of the whole Brexit affair. It is made doubly hard for her as she is incapable of making decisions and sticking to them and she appears to have no ability whatsoever to assess adequately any situation that comes her way. The UK does seem to face an extremely bleak future if this is the best that nation can produce to lead it in a time of peril.   ‘Slathering dolts’ – excellent description

Little Glimmer
A cursory scan through May’s Parliamentary career will swiftly show that she has only one guiding principle – self preservation at all costs.
She is incapable of long term strategy so your premise that May has been successful in some negotiating ploy is groundless.
May doesn’t care what kind of Brexit happens; she just wants to survive as PM until then and so claim that as a success. To that end, there is no danger in allying with hard Brexiteers; they will keep her in office and that’s all that matters.

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