Toby Young’s Inappropriate Appointment As Universities Regulator – Part ii

The bottom of the Tory barrel is being well and truly scraped , as old Treason May clings on to power.

RU4 Real
…And too think, Tory trolls who frequent this forum, liken Labour voters to being name calling abusive thugs….
Shoe’s on the other foot now…..

I have watched this man ”Young” many times on tv. He is a nasty vile right wing Tory. As for Johnstone saying he will be independent!! Let’s face the truth – he is not qualified for this job in any way. He sucks up to the Tory party and in no way is he independent. Sack the fool. Same old story – tories putting tories into jobs!

Only Tories would appoint and defend a man like Toby Young whose views are totally unrepresentative of a normal society – how can such a person be balanced. But then it is the severely irrational and unbalanced Boris Johnson defending him

GovWatch covered the odious Toby Young way back in 2012.

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