TeasMade & Jeremy Hunt Have Been Forced Out From Under Their Stones Over ”Third World” NHS Remark By Stoke Patient

3 January 2018

Theresa May REFUSES to accept there’s an NHS ‘crisis’ as Jeremy Hunt apologises for 55,000 delayed operations

Theresa May has been branded out-of-touch for refusing to accept there is a “crisis” in the NHS – moments after her Health Secretary said sorry for 55,000 delayed operations.

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt was also accused of “fleeing the scene” as he failed to hit the airwaves to reassure the public over Third World NHS remarks by A&E doctor in a Stoke hospital.

Hunt tries to avoid the press – again.

And Tory MP Sarah Wollaston, a GP and chair of the powerful Commons Health Committee, warned Theresa May must “get a better grip”.

TeasMade attempts to shake off her borg image in Wokingham.

Tory minister Jeremy Hunt then broke cover today after criticism for not giving interviews, saying the drastic move was “absolutely not what I want” and “I apologise to everyone that has happened to.”


2 January 2018

A&E doctor apologises for ‘third world conditions’ at his hospital

”An A&E doctor has said sorry to his patients for the ‘third world conditions’ at his hospital. Dr Richard Fawcett, a consultant working at University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, said he was heartbroken to see so many frail and elderly patients languishing in corridors. Body found in sea could be first victim of Storm Eleanor On Twitter, he apologised to patients in the Stoke area for ‘3rd world conditions of the dept due to #overcrowding’.”

A&E doctor apologises for ‘third world conditions’ at his hospital

If you are older and need to go into casualty or hospital be very, very careful for they may send you to a private nursing home post-haste. Treason May has funded these extra private sector beds with NHS money which she is trying to kid us she has given to the NHS.

How can this lying, corrupt, treasonous, power-hungry woman call herself a Christian. She has condemned that many families, people to a life of misery or death in the name of the Tory lie that they call austerity. Austerity is just a legal form of mass culling of the poor, the sick, the disabled, the mentally ill, the elderly and the nations weakest. This woman needs to be dragged before the highest court in the land for treason and crimes against humanity. She is pure evil and needs removing from power because the death toll will keep rising under this Tory dictatorship.

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