Jeremy Hunt apologises as ‘third world’ NHS turns sick away as even CORRIDORS are full

3 January 2018: Mr Hunt gave us his ”rabbit caught in the headlights” look as without blinking he said it was all about having a “planned, methodical, thoughtful” approach to running the NHS.

”The Health Secretary said “it’s absolutely not what I want” as he said sorry after the NHS made the unprecedented step to postpone non-urgent surgeries to February, which will result in around 55,000 operations being axed.

He said the controversial decision was taken to allow a “planned, methodical, thoughtful” approach.

The Tory politician told Sky News: “We recognise that it is better if you are unfortunately going to have to cancel or postpone some operations, to do it in a planned way.

Hunt: ‘I don’t belittle’ postponed ops
14:07, UK, Wednesday 03 January 2018

“So that’s why this year we’ve decided to take this decision, or this independent panel has decided to take this decision.”

The only people pretending that they don’t know why the NHS is in serious trouble are the government. No, it’s not entirely the Ageing Population (who have made the NHS possible), or a shortage of qualified staff, it’s the massive increase in demand for the service caused by immigration.

My mother’s operation was cancelled
this morning. An op that she has been
waiting for, for 18 months and Jeremy
Hunt thinks that an ‘apology ‘ will make
everyone feel so much better?
British people have paid into the NHS
for all their adult life and what was a
health service for us, is now treating
the entire world,at the cost to people
who have paid up front for treatment,
so how is this right or fair?

kevinshw – > Debz  Edited

The Tories have, for many years, being trying to get rid of our NHS, it is the biggest “thorn in their side” and the biggest expenditure. Creating these problems is part of their solution to introduce Private Health Care.

Private Health Care would be an absolute disaster for the UK as people will not be able to pay these costs and of course what was left of the NHS would continue to decline to a point of none existence.

State the facts Hunt. You and the rest of the anti British low lifes in government have no intent of sorting this mess out. No doubt you all have private medical treatment. As I have always said, and you especially, there is no lower form of pond life on this earth than politicians, judges and lawyers! You treat foreigners and terrorists better than the indigenous. Let me tell you this. The Tories will NEVER be in power again for at least a generation! Vote UKIP on every occasion!

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