Delta Force Raids Obama Stronghold In Thailand

”According to our source, the Trump administration learned that Obama, by proxy, owned a mansion and a 400-acre estate on the outskirts of the city of Si Sa Ket, approximately 500 km from Bangkok. On paper, the land was owned by the allegedly defunct Solyndra Corporation, a startup solar company to which Obama gave 2.2 billion taxpayer dollars in 2009. Shortly thereafter, Solyndra declared bankruptcy, and the money vanished. Despite apparent poverty, Solyndra maintained real estate holdings valued at over 800 million dollars in a half-dozen Southeast Asian countries. The Trump administration connected the dots, linking Obama to the Thai property, after asserting Presidential privilege and subpoenaing flight records that demonstrably proved Obama had travelled to Si Sa Ket six times as president and an additional four times in the past year.

Trudi • 5 days ago
No wonder why Hussein Obama gave Solyndra so much money, it was to be siphoned off to him when they declared bankruptcy. I wouldn’t put this past Hussein or Michelle, or Valerie Jarrett. George Soros told him how to get away with all this for sure.

kodster – > Trudi • 2 days ago
AND the Clintons are very good at this, as well. NWO Committee of 300 teaches their minions very well how to cover their tracks, as they LOVE raping countries’ natural resources for their own greed.

shawn hennessey – > Trudi • a day ago
I bet a lot of that 700 billion sent to Iran never actually made it there or never left the ground on that flight.

August 4, 2016

”President Barack Obama approved the $400 million transfer, which he had announced in January as part of the Iran nuclear deal.”

January 10 2017

Obama administration has given Iran $700 million each month since nuke deal signed, totaling over $10 billion

Obama administration has given Iran $700 million each month since nuke deal signed, totaling over $10 billion

Carol Benson – > shawn hennessey • a day ago
Obola took $9 billion for himself & hid it in offshore banks–just the tip of the iceberg.

Tom – > ralphie44 • 2 days ago
Sean at SGT report was just interviewing Bill Holter, who has excellent sources in Thailand who have confirmed the story.

SheWhoWalksAlone – > ralphie44 • 17 hours ago
Roy Potter, retired Lt. Col is reporting the ‘Obama Thailand’ raid is true, watch his latest vid for his brief statement. 15:45  Video Link

Let it Snow @roypotterqa
I have been saying over and over……. with the seized assets: pay off our debt, And back our money with the Gold again, for over a month!

Look into the Gold Soros got/took from Ukraine during that horrid disaster, please…… They repeat all their successes ……. Soros et al have done this over and over!!!

Steve McAtee @roypotterqa
“Wound my heart with a monotonous langour.” If you don’t know what that stands for look for the code words on radio, which signaled the coming attack on Normandy. The deception used in that horrible war was created but some of the best intel people we have ever had. The World watches and we older people know what is at stake. Best of luck to all. sm

Trudi • 5 days ago
Barack Obama has spent more time traveling internationally than any
other modern president — at a skyrocketing cost to taxpayers, according
to a study by a watchdog group.

Thunda t – > CAWoman • 2 days ago
The long legged Chicago mack daddy went from a 140,000 dollar a year senator to having all this, wake up everybody.

wmnoffaith @ April la June
Could the shipping containers contain gold bullion? There is a word on the street that the military has located and regained the gold taken during 9/11 as well as gold taken from Obama’s residence in Thailand.…a rumor that Trump will do away with the Fed and the fiat currency and put us back on the gold standard, eliminating this artificial debt we are all paying off.

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