Britain ‘sells Royal Navy flagship HMS Ocean’ to Brazil four years after £65million refit

Royal Navy Flagship HMS Ocean – Amphibious Assault Operations

Cadderley Edited
We could have parked that just off the coast of Gibraltar and used it as a deterrent.  Is there anything we won’t sell in this country, just to make a fast buck? It will end up costing us, in the long run.

Nothing new. Harrier fleet had massive update to GR9 standard then gifted to USMC by Cameron.

With one fell swoop, all Gavin Williamson’s ‘good work’ in Defence undone.

Another very stupid move by the politicians and not a squeak from the admirals!

The swine Hammond will be rubbing his grubby,bean-counting hands in glee, as this presages the run-down of the Royal Marines and our amphibious assault capacity.

daviddee – > Eldever
I hope and pray you are right and that I am wrong about Williamson. That said, a government riddled with europhile traitors (May, Hammond in particular, and Rudd) who gave away the peerless fleet of Harrier aircraft and cut the wings of brand new aircraft CANNOT be trusted. The treacherous swine are most likely being promised the earth by the rotten EU to frustrate this nation’s bid for freedom.

GW: All part of the plan for UK to ”fit in” to the New EUSSR Military Force folks.

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