Boris Johnson attempts to DEFEND the Tories’ newly appointed Universities Regulator Toby Young who joked about ‘hard-core dykes’ as Labour call for him to be sacked

We’ve already seen Young’s remarks about working class students at Oxford.

Liam Young
Toby Young got into Oxford owing to an administrative error and then wrote about his disgust of working class kids who got there on merit. Honestly lost for words at complete idiocy of this Tory government. Can’t wait to see the back of them this year.

Then there’s:-

Toby Young’s – Teachers Don’t Work Hard Video

Tory ”Cronyism” Meant Young  Got The Job Despite More Highly Qualified Applicants

Young wrote in the Spectator in 2012, about the ‘ghastly inclusivity’ of wheelchair ramps at schools.

Since when has ‘caustic wit’ (sarcasm) been an appropriate qualification for Young to be appointed to the board of Office for Students regulator? Johnson once again showing his bias and lack of sound judgement.

GW:  Could anybody be more unsuitable for the post of Universities Regulator?????  Smacks of ToriCon cronyism.  If Labour has to get rid of anybody the SJWs think of as ”anti-semitic” then the TCs also have to take responsibility for Toby Young – their misogynistic colleague – and admit that it was a huge mistake to appoint him as University Regulator and that they should get rid of him forthwith. 

Toady Young has a government job? Well there’s a surprise goodness knows he’s spent enough time crawling and grovelling to get it. How anyone say he has a ”caustic wit” and is ideal for the job is beyond hopeless. They seem to be confusing pig ignorant for ”caustic wit”. What a shower of deeply unpleasant individuals they are.

Toby Young is a product of the ‘old boy’ network.
Mediocrity has risen to the top effortlessly in this failing country.

Setting aside that he is actually a vile human being, why has Toby Young been decreed suitable for this post? He has no experience in either education (other than as a volunteer) or in politics, has never been elected to any public post. He is hardly ‘independent’ when he’s been a Tory poster boy for years.

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