Time To Demand Accountability For All Tax-Payer Funds Inappropriately Spent


As NHS employee the week before Christmas we had to deal with 620 out Patients of these 398 were of foreign origin. Many of those were from the EU and the rest from different parts of the Asian continent. We also had to use nine translators all cost the NHS money. I was abused 4 times by patients moaning about running late appointments. Further more to add insult I was charged £25.00 for hospital parking.

It is disgraceful that each year over £13billion is borrowed and handed out as charity in the form of Development Aid.

Since the end of WW2 the British people have always had to make do, and live under the rule of Austerity. Work hard, and you will be rewarded tomorrow. That reward never comes, it’s a trick to keep people quiet.

This country is heading for meltdown. We have a massive overload with requests for housing, employment, medical treatment, and places in schools. And all that this government is doing is making cuts to services, cutting council funding and forcing councils to increase Council Tax so that WE END UP PAYING for the governments austerity plans.

The government should CUT i.mm.ig.ration. and CUT Taxes. And then invest in renewing the infrastructure, and build new houses.

And yet no criticism of the Tories selling of our infrastructure like energy, water railways even our nuclear industry to foreign governments and conglomerates, hundreds of billions of pounds bleeds out of our economy overseas every year making the foreign aid budget look like peanuts. But the right wing press were cheerleaders for the sale of our national assets.

I think it is time to remind the government and all MPs that the money stolen, misappropriated and mismanaged is TAXPAYERS’ money and we demand that those who fail to manage that money – NHS bosses who allow anyone to walk in and use the precious facilities without charge or hope of payment – are sacked and their assets and pensions realised to go towards the financial bl-ck hole they have created.  Hear Hear!

Time for some accountability here.

Enough of the failure. Enough of the useless jobsworths raking in a fortune in salaries, perks and pensions while their failure cause unnecessary lives lost, suffering, staff exhaustion, poor wages and conditions and systems that are harming not helping.

How hard can it be for a British government department to check identity when countries like NZ and Australia
manage just fine?  Like the Chinese & 2 Africans in Belfast on fake Portuguese Passports for instance.


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