Switzerland Referendum: Doris Leuthard Demands EU Referendum Re Jean Claude Juncker’s Junket

Doris atop Junket.

”President Doris Leuthard said a referendum was needed to sort out how the nation worked with the European Union.

Ms Leuthard said: “The bilateral path is important. We must therefore clarify our relationship with Europe. We have to know in which direction to go.

“Therefore a fundamental referendum would be helpful.””


The EU is always trying to screw every country. It’s what they do. It’s a control thing. If the EU were a person they would be in need of help from a psychiatrist.

What the EU lacks in candour it makes up for with arrogance.

DJK – > zen
And stupidity.

The Swiss relationship with Brussels can be summarised as: Bend over and wait.

GW:  But the EUSSR hate democracy.

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