Champigny-sur-Marne 1 January 2018 Part i

you think that’s bad wait and see what happens if May doesn’t deliver Brexit

cru*ader – > fatass
Get the gibbets ready.

AnthonyAllen1 – > fatass
Hung drawn and quartered would be seemed mild by comparison.

pythagoraslives – > fatass
government think that we’ll just sit back while they take away our freedom lol politicians always been stupid.

I don’t suppose many of them were actually “French”.

democraticaccountability – > alimac
From the videos, not much french being spoken

AnthonyAllen – > alimac
Our PC news outlets are too scared to say. Lol!

I feel sorry for the ordinary people of France who are having to live with this imported barbarism.

No mention of the assailants…. Strange that…

The people that Europe are importing, barely
know civilisation, never mind act civilised, and
the world is surprised when these incidents
Whatever you give them, homes, money, the
opportunity to rebuild their life’s, is an utter
waste. It will never be enough or appreciated
and yet various governments bow to the EU at
the cost of their own country and their people..
It’s utter madness.

Geronimo – > Debz
pearls before swine?

Well I heard nothing about this on the BBC so it must be fake news or they would have led with this wouldn’t they 🙂

Bubblegum – > baffled Edited
Meanwhile Over here in peaceful England 28 Young folk have been murdered on the streets of London this year alone – 5 in the past six days – No mention of the ‘facts’ behind these murders? maybe because —like Crime Watch — it belies a truth best kept quiet from the prying eye eh? I wonder if this is why Crime Watch was dropped? Too much evidence of what we have imported eh?

Why would anyone want to torch a thousand cars? It sounds like foreigners not liking the French. The easy answer is if you dont like the French get out of their country.

France a beautiful country ruined by the French elite. The enarques who have run France since the war are only interested in maintaining their control and power, the rest of the population suffer. The French provided the administrative template for the Evil Union.
France is a sad disaster of a country, closely followed by Belgium and Italy. Macron is the latest enarque to ruin it.
Blair has done the same for the English big cities, which are moving the same anarchic way.

GW:  Yes Colin I grieve for France.

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