
TGSET -> The Army of Humanity
Look up MOURNING THE ANCIENT TRUTH for Eighteen Pages of Proof that Adolf Hitler & National Socialism were not “Racist” & Never Will Be. Israel is the International Freemasonic ZOG behind White Genocide World Wide.

Thanks to a ‘‘Finnish Nationalist” for thoughts on the Kudenhove-Kalergi Plan and the Multi Culti Europe Agenda.  She postulates that it was this man’s lack of a proper national identity himself which made him believe that everybody else should also be a mixture of several racial groups rather than from a single racial group.  This was possibly because Mr Kalergi felt uncomfortable in some way for not having a sense of ”belonging to a particular clan”  so to speak.  He was not truly Austrian for instance, and thus the achievements of this particular society – encompassed by the world of Viennese Opera etc was not really his to grasp – he felt.  Inferiority complex perhaps????  Maybe just psychologically unbalanced.

Finnish Nationalist

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