Toby Young was today appointed the head of the new University Regulator by this Tory Government.

Toby Young was today appointed the head of the new University Regulator by this Tory Government. Here is Toby’s view of University Education.

Thanks to Labour Left for the Infographic.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by Roger Askew
Toby Young speaking at the Oxford Union, Oxfordshire, Britain – 29 Jan 2015 at a debate on whether there should be quotas for State School children at Oxbridge Universities.
Toby Young is the co-founder of the West London Free School and famously went to Oxford University after being sent an acceptance letter by mistake.

GW: Gosh Toby – tomes of wisdom from one ”universally unattractive ” individual to the rest I guess.  It’s one thing to be ”physically unattractive” Mr Young – but it’s a completely different ball game to be mentally unattractive as well – because being mentally unattractive, is something the individual has control over – swivel on that Toby.

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