News of at least 4 NO GO AREAS in London where Couriers refuse to deliver because of theft & attacks on their person – this needs to be addressed – Where is Sadiq Khan & what is he doing about this in 2018?

London delivery drivers refuse to enter dangerous ‘no-go zones’

Northlands Staff

”The areas too dangerous to work include Hackney and Stoke Newington, all “ethnically diverse”, where only 36 percent of residents describe themselves as white British.

Also included is Bethnal Green, a part of London which lies in the corruption-plagued, Islamist-dominated borough of Tower Hamlets.

The number of cases more than doubled from less than 200 in 2014 to 431 in 2016, according to Scotland Yard.

Bow & Arrows @ Barringtons

In East London, Newham had three times more acid attacks than the next highest borough, with almost 400 of London’s 1 500 reports over the last five years occuring there.  Some 398 acid attacks occurred in 5 years in the area named as “the most ethnically diverse district in England and Wales”.

Even “regenerated” areas such as Elephant & Castle and Stratford, which saw a £12.5 billion investment in recent years – the largest urban regeneration programme in Europe – is currently plagued by child sex grooming gangs.

London delivery drivers refuse to enter dangerous ‘no-go zones’

GW: Can’t say that ”acid attack” was ever the weapon of choice for the average Briton – historically it was more likely to be the Crossbow, the Wooden Staff, The Broad Sword – if you were wealthy enough to be able to afford a good blacksmith – or the good old Bow & Arrow.  Then along came the Vikings with their Axes.  Good Lord.  And now – well  – the uncouth have arrived ….. Ah if only…

Special thanks, however, must go to the lady – obviously not a native Briton – who asked a very disoriented GW on the way to a London ”meet-up” yesterday, if I was ”OK”.  Thank you madam – you instantly restored my faith in humanity.  We are all one at the end of the day.   As Notts Warriors would say, the ”baddies” are really only the other half of our -ve selves.

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2 Responses to News of at least 4 NO GO AREAS in London where Couriers refuse to deliver because of theft & attacks on their person – this needs to be addressed – Where is Sadiq Khan & what is he doing about this in 2018?

  1. fanofootball says:

    Thanks Tony. I see we in UK are playing ”catch up.”

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