Litter on British beaches rises 10 per cent

Snowflakes melting everywhere!
Just back from a trip to India and Indonesia I have never seen the beaches so chocked up with plastic rubbish even at the very top resorts the sea is awash with plastic bags condoms, the rivers running Ito the oceans are just 24/7 plactic flows.

When living in California, back in the 90s, I joined some volunteers on a huge beach clear up day. I did the same in Oxford about 6 years ago. On both occasions, it was shocking to discover that just in an area about one square metre in size, there was enough rubbish buried in the sand or soil to fill a large black garbage bag. I had this vision of filling one bag with maybe an acre of space, but even after a day of work, we hardly touched the surface so to speak. Crisp packets, drink cans, sweet wrappers, cigarettes (the filters do not decompose), glass and plastic bottles, condoms! Awful. I realise the futility of it and that the only way forward was the end of plastic packaging. (Glass and metal at least is natural.) The fact people are so indisciplined to even dump it is a tragic reflection of society, but nothing new.

It’s the economy, stupid!
Disposable packaging etc is absolutely not necessary. Humanity did without it forever till yesterday. We’re destroying the environment that sustains us to make a few people obscenely rich. Don’t put a tax on it, abolish its manufacturing altogether.

GW: Just on beaches? Along the roads; on the pavements; in peoples front gardens e.g. mattresses, abandoned fridges etc; fly tipping on green belt and in Hertfordshire country lanes! We are now living in a pig sty!

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