Q Anon – ‘The World Cannot Swallow The Truth’… FaKebook/Goggle are CIA Fronts | ‘Teams On Standby’

Anti School
Streamed live on 22 Nov 2017

Use alternatives searches such as ”Duck Duck Go”
Alice in Wonderland Illuminati Monarch Programming-The White (Easter Bunny) Rabbit

The CIA didn’t create Facebook but the code was stole by some dubious patent attorney (most lifelike CIA connected) from inventor Michael McKibben of Leader Technologies INC..

Kathy Hernandez (edited)
Facebook’s technology WAS a private invention by Leader Technologies team by Michael McKibben. The infrastructure technology was stolen by the cabal and here is the story: Fully documented and this is HUGE! Here are the six interviews:

Think bigger.. The Jesuits created C.I.A.. The Rothschild family” Concordia, Integritas, Industria” Barons (Knights) who received their title from the Holy Roman Emperor, Rothschild Continuation Holdings is a Swiss-registered holding company – “Rothschilds are the guardians of the papal treasure.”

America’s national motto “Annuit Coeptis”came from a prayer to Jupiter. “Jupiter’s mascot was the eagle, which the founding fathers made their mascot as well. The fact that the national Statehouse evolved as a “capitol” bespeaks Roman influence. No building can rightly be called a capitol unless it’s a temple of Jupiter, the great father‑god of Rom, Libertas/Statue of Liberty “Freedom,” the Roman goddess whose statue crowns the dome,

Our once proud Republic of the United States of America became no more than a series of criminal front organizations, which history shows is always the start of totalitarianism. A conspiracy so damnable that, when first confronted with it, the majority will disavow its existence, rationalizing these events as “times have changed.”

The Committee of 300 are the international council that organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts and Rome is a beast in sheep’s clothing

Debra Kemp
Guys i think we looking in the wrong place …. Switzerland is the top of everything …. Known as swiss wonderland .. It has an alice. It has a rothschild home in zug. It has a rothschild bank. Search swiss god. It is known for secret banking and vaults therefore ripe for money laundering also via vatican bank. KJU was educated here!!!! Came across an article 10 reasons why Switzerland is home to the cia. Think about that… A movie about swiss people called Wonderland. A travel app called swiss wonderland. What else?

Lora M  (edited)
There’s an older man who spent millions developing the facebook coding. He presented the idea to IBM and Harvard for support. After he completed it in Oct 2003 it was stolen. Most likely by CIA. Zuckerburg is just the fake face. He can’t even answer coding questions when asked. Total looser.
The true creator has been in litigation over it for more than a decade.

Zuckerberg’s Theft of Social Media

Elizabeth Raynor Short
CIA STOLE it just like DOJ stole PROMIS (in which it placed a backdoor and sold to others, friend and foe. Could get in their systems. After 9/11 many foreign govts got rid of their PROMIS systems. Just 2 examples of huge practice of theft of patents by Shadow Govt. And who’s in charge of US Patent Office? It’s not even US. Research it.

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