
Upside Down
”Easy to find the public investment of Google into CrowdStrike, the firm that privately examined the DNC computers and cried, “Russians”. And to see that CrowdStrike has deep state ties, with Shawn Henry and posse. Not so easy to find that Google privately sold the original startup that became CrowdStrike to Dimitri, or to prove the ties of Dimitri’s father to the deep state and the encryption code he provided to them. But I know the story.  CrowdStrike has assisted the deep state is much deeper and more insidious than their involvement in various “hacks”, I.e. DNC, Sony. Their programs have been installed on computers in the White House, on the Hill and the DOD, to name a few in the gov. Found you while watching a different you tube video today. Your video about the “booms” caught my eye because I think I may have heard one a week or so ago. Watched that and a few others, looking forward to seeing more.You might take a look at Julian Assanges comments about Google. He has pointed out several times that “Google is not what it seems”.”

Thanks to an Anti School follower for the information.

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