Evening Standard: Website designed to help Muslim men find second wives should be shut down


Website designed to help Muslim men find second wives ‘should be shut down’, says former second bride

”Aisha Ali-Khan, 37, of Bradford, who was once in a polygamous marriage, has issued a warning to women to “make sure they know what they’re getting into”.

“I knew of one girl who got married only to find out many months later that her husband had another secret wife in Pakistan.

“I had a horrendous experience and I probably would have done things differently if I knew then what I know now.

“The owner believes he is providing a valuable service but he is in fact contributing to the potential misery of thousands of women while in the pursuit of profit.

“From my own experiences, polygamy is not fair on the first wife or the second wife; there are no winners in this situation apart from the men.

“Websites like ‘secondwife’ legitimise polygamy, and directly contravene the law of the land. It should be taken down immediately.”

Azad Chaiwala, the founder of secondwife.com, of Sunderland, claims he was responding to a “gap in the market” by setting up the online polygamy site.”



Mark Collett
Published on 18 May 2017
British Nationalist and political activist

Find out how the British Government changed the welfare system to favour Muslims. New government policies on unemployment and work place regulations have served to attract huge numbers of Muslim immigrants into the UK and have allowed Muslims to exploit the benefits system in order to stay at home and have large families – all at the taxpayers’ expense.

Excellent article full of facts and links on the cost of Islamic immigration:

New Government Rules on Unemployment:

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