ToriCon SpreadsheetGate – Part vii

Tory Aides’ Spreadsheet Names 36 Sex Pest MPs

Martin Carter – > Dan Conia
Don’t get too excited. In USA, the Clinton / Democrat axis of evil has just come crashing down, the Donald has been shown right yet again, and Judge Pirro on Fox News just called for Hillary to be locked up. The left is on the back foot everywhere as their nasty, bullying, corrupt, controlling ways have been exposed. This storm in a tea-cup is going no-where, really.

PianoWireSolutions – > Martin Carter
Can they take a run at Soros too…that man is not a full human.

Martin Carter – > PianoWireSolutions
Austria has started, haven’t they?

Justin Ian – > Frank
I would imagine most of Westminster and the surrounding area has a copy or at least a knowledge of the names.

Technomist – > Justin Ian
This is a snafu.
Once the blackmail is out in the open, how are the whips going to control the Conservative Party?

Heard Nolan and that toxic bishop on Radio 5 last night getting nearly hysterical with rage because Kathy Gyngell dared to suggest women should be more sensible about their behaviour, not dress skimpily, not get blind drunk in public and not go down dark alleys.

Daily Mail – ShockJock Nolan: The top earner you may never have heard of… BBC Radio 5 Live’s Stephen Nolan makes £450,000 and says: ‘I just want to earn as much as I can!’

Mutely – > CommanderJampot 
Apparently it’s outrageous in this day and age of female emancipation to expect women to take any responsibility for looking out for themselves. That’s all down to you men now.

Wait a minute … is that now or Victorian England? Feminism is so confusing.

Peter Fincham – > Muttley
All done in the best possible taste. Newcastle party-goers.

Nobody – > Peter Fincham

gone fishing
I think this could spell the end for the Tories. Not the allegations in the spreadsheet, but the fact that ‘tory aides’ were stupid enough to create it and they must have been asked by a ‘senior tory’ to do it in the first place. I know let’s create a shitlist for no good reason that couldn’t possibly be leaked and cause a ruckus, what could possibly go wrong?

I just want to know about that entry fourth from the bottom: “asked female researcher to do odd things”

Cue Bono – > Ratsniffer
Must have been heterosexual sh*t.

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