i News: Essential Daily Briefing – ”Justice For Jack”

28/29 October 2017

As the parents of Jack Letts, who is detained without charge in Kurdish-controlled territory in northern Syria, we were heartened to read the article by Yasmin Alibi-Brown on 24 October.

Hers is a lone sane voice in the current free-for-all, in which a government minister for the Foreign Office – Rory Stewart – can arbitrarily call for extrajudicial killings of uncharged British citizens supported by Downing Street.

Our son has been held for 6 months in appalling conditions including several months in solitary confinement, and no time at all outside of his cell.  He has had no contact with the outside world since 8 July.

The British Government is refusing to pick up a phone, and the British public seems to believe he deserves it.  Why?  Because Jack has been convicted by the tabloid press on false evidence, and because this government feels it needs to show it is tough on terrorism by flouting the most basic of human rights, the right to life.

Not only is our son’s life at risk, so too is the future of human rights and democracy in this country.

Sally Lane & John Letts\

Thanks to Gideon for pointing out this excellent letter in the Newspaper – Gideon still buys a Newspaper btw.

Muslim convert Jack Letts denies he is fighting for Isis


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