Four MPs, including married minister ‘accused of sexual misconduct at Westminster’

”The male MPs are alleged to have harassed or propositioned young women inappropriately, according to the Times.

Meanwhile the minister is alleged to have made passes at several women including journalists and aides.

Another married Conservative MP was said to have had affairs with at least two young researchers, the paper said.

An MP who has served in the shadow cabinet under Jeremy Corbyn is also alleged to have texted a work experience colleague, suggesting there would have been sexual contact had he been younger.”

Comments Unavailable.  Now there’s a surprise!

GW:  Who’s been selected to be the ”Harvey Winestain”  of Westminster then?  Looks like tptwtb have noted the increased amount of muck being hurled at them by the ”chatterati ” in the AM about their rampant illicit behaviour in the halls of power & elsewhere so have decided to try to run another limited cleansing op – rather like the one that is being run by Hollyweird at the moment.  Some Westmonster Fondling Scapegoat will be pushed out.  Public anger will be focussed on whomever it is.  Then the stories about how the boil has been lanced will appear in the LSM so that the ”machine”  can get ”back to business” ergo the sheeplic can go back to shelling out their hard earned cash on more crappy formulaic films and buy more crappy Satanic CDs from tptwtb’s latest Music Whores – while the Westmonster Cabal can get back to giving the poor UK Taxpayer a right Royal shafting.  Bend over Britain and take it – you know you like it!

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